Modern Chiropractic Blog

Tuesday’s Q&A – 9/16/14

Tuesday’s Q&A – 9/16/14

Tuesday’s Q & A in Lafayette LA – 9/16/14 This week, we’ll be showing “Fed Up” in the waiting room in Lafayette LA. This new documentary follows a group of families battling to lead healthier lives – and reveals why the conventional wisdom of “exercise and eat right” is not ringing true for millions of…

Tuesday’s – Q&A – 9/09/14

Tuesday’s – Q&A – 9/09/14

Tuesday’s – Q & A in Lafayette LA This week’s Q&A is all about SKIM MILK. Now, if you aren’t a skim-milk person, I’m sure you know of someone who chooses skim milk as opposed to regular milk. Probably because you or the person you know are under the impression that they are cutting down…

Tuesday’s Q&A – 9/2/14

Tuesday’s Q&A – 9/2/14

Tuesday’s Q & A in Lafayette LA – 9/2/14 For this week’s Q&A Tuesday, I have a question for all of you patients in Lafayette LA… Q: Why don’t Wal-mart brand, “Great Value” vanilla flavored ice cream sandwiches melt when brought to room temperature (and even in the sun)? A: Perhaps you have heard on…

Tuesday’s Q&A – 8/26/14

Tuesday’s Q&A – 8/26/14

Tuesday’s Q & A in Lafayette LA – 8/26/14 If most everyone in your family in Lafayette LA is a meat-lover, then chances are you have never given a thought to providing your family a purely plant-based dinner at least once/week. Well, what if I gave you 5 reasons to help you consider cutting back…

Tuesday’s Q&A – 8/12/14

Tuesday’s Q&A – 8/12/14

Tuesday’s Q & A in Lafayette LA – 8/12/14 Q: I’ve found a drastic price difference in meats sold at our larger supermarket chain than at our local store – why the “nearly $2.00 difference”? A: These days in Lafayette LA, just about everything is mass-produced, including our food, with large, factory-style farms churning out…

Tuesday’s Q&A – 8/05/14

Tuesday’s Q&A – 8/05/14

Tuesday’s Q & A in Lafayette LA – 8/05/14 Q: What is Gluten? Where do you find it & why do you recommend limiting it when someone is having “chronic issues”? Gluten is what gives flour its doughy elastic consistency and what makes it chewy, which is why over the centuries, gluten-containing grains have come…