Modern Chiropractic Blog

Tuesday’s Q&A – 4/22/14

Tuesday’s Q&A – 4/22/14

What is Functional Medicine in Lafayette LA? Functional medicine in Lafayette LA addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. It is an evolution in the practice of medicine that better addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century. By shifting the traditional…

Tuesday’s Q&A – 4/15/14

Tuesday’s Q&A – 4/15/14

Can eating meals consisting of mostly vegetables (plant-based) reduce your risk of heart disease in Lafayette LA? In the early 1970s, young men in Finland were dying from heart attacks at the highest rates in the industrialized world. In the Northern region of the country, home to 180,000 people, every family knew the pain of…

Tuesday's Q&A – 4/8/14

Tuesday's Q&A – 4/8/14

For this week’s Q&A Tuesday in Lafayette LA, we’re wondering what the difference is between farmed fish and wild-caugt fish… Should we choose one over the ohther? And why? While it may seem like a modern invention, “aquaculture,” has been around for ages – man has been “farming” fish in net enclosures, ponds, vats, urns…

Tuesday’s Q&A – 4/1/14

Tuesday’s Q&A – 4/1/14

Today we’re talkin’ PROTEIN in Lafayette LA! Touchy subject when you are suggesting plant-based protein alternatives to people who were raised on red-meat and poultry. Our goal isn’t to convert anyone into a vegetarian or vegan, just to create an awareness of other protein rich foods that come from plants. For assistance with this topic,…

Tuesday’s Q&A – 4/22/14

Tuesday’s Q&A – 3/24/14

Tuesday’s Q&A in Lafayette LA – 3/24/14 Spring is officially on its way here in Lafayette LA and I couldn’t think of a better time of year to prepare for the renewal this season provides. One of the things you can do right now for yourself is prepare for the upcoming opportunities of the new season.…

Tuesday’s Q&A – 3/18/14

Tuesday’s Q&A – 3/18/14

Gluta-thione in Lafayette LA This week I actually have a question for my favorite health care providers in Lafayette LA! I wanted to know more about the amino acid, Gluta-thione . My question is, “if our body (the liver) makes it – why would we do we need to supplement our diets with it?” One…