Modern Chiropractic Blog

Tuesday’s Q&A – 3/11/14

Tuesday’s Q&A – 3/11/14

Metabolism and Weight Loss in Lafayette LA The internet is such a wonderful thing, but there’s so much health related information out there, that at times, it could be confusing/overwhelming. ESPECIALLY, regarding weight loss in Lafayette LA! Fad diets enable us to lose significant amounts of weight, but then we inevitably rebound because keeping the…

Tuesday’s Q&A – 2/25/14

Tuesday’s Q&A – 2/25/14

This week I can’t help but wonder why so many of my patients are on statin drugs (cholesterol medication) – and when did they become so widely prescribed in Lafayette LA? According to, Statins are a class of drugs that lower the level of cholesterol in the blood by reducing the production of cholesterol…

Tuesday’s Q&A – 2/18/14

Tuesday’s Q&A – 2/18/14

To piggy-back off of last week’s newsletter a lot of patients have been asking me in Lafayette LA Q: In order to eliminate the Ferocious Five ingredients you mentioned last week, I think it’ll be easy to avoid the obvious food choices that contain gluten, dairy, sugar, corn & eggs – but what are some…

Tuesday’s Q&A – 2/11/14

Tuesday’s Q&A – 2/11/14

Tired of feeling sick and tired in Lafayette LA? What about that extra 10 pounds hanging around your mid-section – wondering how and why no matter how much you stay active – it doesn’t seem to melt away? What about your skin – have more acne or wrinkles than you’d like? What about depression –…

Tuesday’s Q&A – 2/4/14

Tuesday’s Q&A – 2/4/14

This week a patient of ours in Lafayette LA asked… Q: Do I need a multivitamin? A: Since your doctors here at Modern Chiropractic do not take a “cookie-cutter” approach to patient care in Lafayette LA, we carefully tailor treatment plans to the specific needs of the patient and sometimes our specific recommendations include the…

Tuesday’s Q&A – 1/28/14

Tuesday’s Q&A – 1/28/14

You’re STILL drinking Soda in Lafayette LA?! I would suggest that it’s time to “re-think your drink”… Sugar from soda & other sweetened beverages is the #1 source of calories in the American diet. ~ USDA Research Center at Tufts University In the last 50 years, soda consumption has increased by over 500% and somehow…